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About the Suffolk Free Company

The Suffolk Free Company are a family of friends. We like to spend some of our time researching and bringing the 16th Century to life. We are not all from Suffolk, we have members from all across England, although many of us met there (at Kentwell Hall to be precise) The Suffolks were formed in 2009 by four friends who wanted to venture into the 15th century - originally we represented just some fighting men of Suffolk, but as we gained experience and more members for a while we were the retinue of Sir John De La Pole - The Duke of Suffolk, and fought on battlefields and in tourneys across the land. However it was inevitable that we would return to our first love and now the SFC keep our historical adventures within the reign of England’s most famous dynasty, the Tudors.

Suffolks 2018

These days we are usually found in the later years of Queen Elizabeth I's reign, but sometimes we venture back to the times of her father's reign (Henry VIII) or to the Commotion Times of her younger half-brother's reign (Edward VI)

We enjoy both military and domestic living history, our membership includes many skilled craftsmen and women. We pride ourselves on our desire to constantly improve our understanding of the period and we are always looking to develop our kit, knowledge, skills and presentations.

We have had amazing adventures bring some of England's finest Tudor site to life, like Pendennis, Framlingham and Kenilworth Castles. So come and find us in the Sixteenth century and witness Tudor life in all its grime and glory.

COAM Dance

The Suffolks like to avoid generalisations, simply saying an event is Medieval or Tudor is not enough for us: We like to try and represent a specific point in those times, so when we are at an event it might be 1471, 1530 or 1588.
The Suffolks are experienced Historical Interpreters, we enjoy both 1st person and 3rd person Interpretation. Which means we will happily assume the role, mind set and speech of a person from the time portrayed; or talk to the public about times past as Historical experts.

Some of our events are exclusive SFC events and all the Tudors on site will be Suffolks, however the Suffolk Free Company have many friends in the sixteenth century and we like to share some events with them. The more the merrier. We are often accompanied by our friends Myal and Peg - www.myalpyper.co.uk many of the Suffolks love to dance and Myal and Peg provide the perfect selection of music.

We also have enjoyed events with members of Crusade, William Cecil's Men, the Wardour Garrison and also 1549 dedicated group: The Commotion Times - who are dedicated to recreating the various common rebellions of that tumultuous year.


C - Times
There are other friends we ought to mention here, and they are the various photographers we have worked with and who have provided many of the photos that we are using on this site and our social media. We are usually far too busy to take photos and don't have phones or cameras with us, so it's crucial that there are photographers on hand to capture what we do. So a big thanks to all the photographers who catch us in the act. Those without whom this site would have been impossible - Tim Linter (Splinter Photographic) David Presswell (Grumpy Gargoyle Photographic) Mike Hill and Bentley Perkins. Thanks guys.

Events & Contact

Like the rest of the heritage world all of the Suffolk Free Company's events were cancelled for the 2020 season. We'll be back next year. Come back here to find out where to find us.

To contact the Suffolk Free Company find us on Facebook @TheSuffolkFreeCompany or email Info@suffolkfreecompany.org.uk


Military Living History

Domestic Living History

Arena Displays